Seville: "The European Super League is not compatible with the spirit of sport nor with our motto of never giving up"


The Spanish club Sevilla objected to the "European Super League" project, and issued an official statement protesting that idea, noting that it came against the concepts of sport in general, and football in particular.

 A group of elite clubs in European football began studying and implementing an idea related to the establishment of a separate championship from the European Champions League, to be called the "European Super League", limited to the masters of the major football leagues in the old continent.

 The Seville Club’s statement read as follows: “In light of the news related to the creation of a new competition, which is organized and managed in particular, by some European clubs from different countries, the Seville Club’s board of directors wants to publicly announce its complete rejection of the tournament, based on economic criteria.  UEFA is the institution that brings together the various football federations on the continent, and the competition that includes a special invitation, is inconsistent with the spirit of sport in general and the spirit of football as we know it, this lack of competition is completely inconsistent with our philosophy, of never giving up, setting goals  More ambitious for ourselves, with the goal of achieving them on the football field. "

 The statement then added: “Moreover, the creation of this league will only satisfy the selfish interests, which aspire to enrich the founding clubs, which already have much larger budgets than the rest of the football clubs. This will lead to the impoverishment of football in general and the rest.  Teams outside the European Super League, meanwhile, will be a severe blow to society, and will punish the vast majority of true football fans, who will leave the true essence of our sport: the excitement to watch their team compete for its goals. "

 The statement ended as follows: “The Seville club understands that sometimes it is necessary to make changes, such as those made by the UEFA Executive Committee, today, regarding the UEFA Champions League system. We are aware that they provide a solid base for all European clubs, but  These changes must always be developed, through discussions between federations, clubs and local leagues, without excluding any group, and with a global vision to protect the general football system. "


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